Thursday, February 12, 2009

One year ago today........

Some of you may remember this horrible day in the life of the Sheridan family...(see last year's post for the whole story) One year ago today, I was arguing with my lovely teen daughter and left my bathroom for a split second with my flat iron on the counter but a very determined Jack as well. Jack managed to pull the cord down onto the floor and the flat iron (approx. 400 degrees) clamped down on his little foot giving him 3rd degree burns and changing our world. Over the last year we have been through 2 that included taking skin from his scalp and grafting it onto his foot. (also see previous posts from last February) Soon after his operation, we had a wonderful visit from Social Services asking me questions like "do I feed my kids" and "what do I do when I need to punish them"....oh, and my favorite, "do I drink or do drugs". They pulled all the kids out of school and even questioned Doug separately, as if he was going to throw me under the bus for burning my child intentionally. The overall result was a huge apology from the social worker telling me that they were just doing their job and a small mark on my record with social services since I DID leave Jack unattended even if it was a mere 15 seconds. I have gone from washing his foot twice a day and wrapping it, having him wear a sock lined with silicone for healing, to now just putting vitamin E on it every time I change his diaper and keeping his foot out of the sun. It's amazing what a year of healing can do both mentally and physically. As a mom, I have never endured something like this and I'm glad it is behind us. On a lighter note, if anyone needs any advice on how to treat a burn or anything pertaining to burns...bandages etc....I am fully stocked and fully educated! :-) The below pics are not very good due to the fact that I took them from my phone and I was a bit hysterical in the ER

And these are from yesterday. You would really never know he had anything done to his foot unless you knew what to look for and the doctor says as it foot grows, the scar will look smaller and smaller.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm sorry I haven't blogged but my brain has been taken over by.......

but mostly this

Now normally 17 year old, pale white vampires are not my type but ever since starting this series, I am hooked. So, I started reading Twilight Wednesday night pretty much to get Ali to shut up and stop pressuring me to read it. 5 days and 1600 or so pages later, I am on the forth and final book. I am addicted! For those of you that know me, I am not a big reader so this is huge that I am even picking up a book. Don't worry, my house is still getting cleaned and the kids are still alive....barely. :-) Needless to say, I highly recommend this series even if you aren't a teenager who likes vampires and werewolves.

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