has been extremely busy! Never a dull moment in the Sheridan house as most of you may know. The reason for my extreme lack of blogging is due to our main PC being updated and tweaked by a friend of our's and so I am forced to use Doug's laptop which for some reason has a power surge and shuts off everytime I plug in my cord with my memory stick with pictures. So, this is a pictureless blog which isn't quite as fun or interesting but at least you can all move on from Jack's foot pictures.
So, I know we are into March already which is crazy to me but I need to start back in February. February 17th the twins turned 16! Yeah, I cannot believe that I have kids that are 16. No one is driving yet.....without me in the car anyway. That night we told the kids that they could invite some friends and we took them all to Benihana for dinner. It was alot of fun since most of them had never been. Adam, Jenn and the girls came with us and the little ones clapped and laughed at all the fun things the cook did for us.....Mickey Mouse head out of rice, volcano out of onions including steam coming from the volcano which Ryan thought was really cool. We also gave the kids each a pretty big visa gift card so they could each go shopping and spend it however they wanted. AJ blew his on a big screen tv and Ali is still working on it because she says it's hard to spend her own money.....as opposed to Mom's. :-) Most of you know about the whole "Ali's party" scenario/drama so I won't go over that again but that was this past weekend, the 28th. From what I've heard, it was pretty successful and everyone had a good time....I didn't go but Doug did for a short time. I am SOOOOOOO glad that is behind us.
Some other things that have been going on are that Jack had his last appointment at the burn center this past week. He has no restrictions now and the doctor told me that they could even revise his scar if needed in the future but I'm guessing he will be fine.....I don't think he will be a foot model or anything so I think he's good. Ryan started bball and his first game was this last Saturday. They won but I'm not sure by how much since we had to leave in the 6th inning to rush him to his hockey game....they won that too.
Doug has also been attempting to move into another office since around Christmas because his landlord was overcharging him. Well, he finally found another space in the same building but at a much better rate so we have spent the past few weeks organizing, selling, moving, manuevering, blah, blah, blah. It's a headache but personally I've had fun organizing. Man, those men are pigs!
So, that brings us to now. I am currently trying to organize our lives so that we are more productive here on the homefront. My mom will be here at the end of the month for her spring break which I am really looking forward to AND I just found out that my dad is coming the first weekend in April. He hasn't seen the kids in a year and a half so I am very excited to get to spend sometime with him. Ryan's 10th bday is right around the corner and I have no clue what he wants to do for his bday so I'm guessing it will be a pool/pizza party with some friends spending the night. Jack will be 2 in a month (sniff,sniff) and I am planning a big neighborhood party with a bounce house and maybe a Buzz Lightyear since that's what he is obsessed about these days. His favorite thing to do is climb up onto something and say "to infinite and beyond" and then jump off. My plan is to also take him to Disneyland on his bday but I am thinking maybe downtown Disney might be enough for now.....he IS only 2. And last but not least, I will be 35 next month and am wondering everyday if this is the year of the nervous breakdown. Stay tuned..... :-) Oh, AND I finished the Twilight series......movie comes out March 21st.......why can't all men be like Edward?