Saturday, March 28, 2009

Swim lessons, baseball games, and birthday parties....

oh my! :-) So Jack started swim lessons last week with the same guy that taught Ryan how to swim 7 years ago. I was worried that Jack would have a hard time getting in the pool with a stranger but, much to my surprise, it was getting Jack OUT of the pool after the lesson that was the problem. Luckily there's licorice on hand! :-)And today we had a small "just the fam" duel bday bbq/pool party for Ryan & Jack. Adam, Jenn and the girls came along with Gammie, of course. It was a perfect day and the kids had a blast swimming and beating up the dinosaur pinata and then munching down on some yummy cupcakes! Ryan is totally into this new thing called Bakugan (sp?) so he got some of those along with some $ that will most definately burn a hole in his pocket before the end of the weekend. Jack's big obsession is Buzz Lightyear so he got a costume, a Buzz Lightyear action figure, and a bunch of other Buzz stuff along with a new Mr. Potato Head and a Baseball tee with bat and ball.

Before the party, Ryan had both a hockey game in which he scored the only goal for his team, and a baseball game where he struck out twice and then got two singles!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You know you are getting old when.......

You forget to blog when your kid turns 10! Oops! Well, I'll blame it on the fact that I spent the whole day at Disneyland with Ryan and so THAT'S why I didn't blog. know you are a bad mom can't remember the last time you spent one on one with one of your kids! Seriously, it was before Jack was born I'm sure. Things since then have just been crazy....good, but CRAZY!

March 17, 1999: I was 37 weeks pregnant and soooooo done! The "happy to be pregnant" stage had totally worn off and the only thing I wanted was for the little one that had taken over my body to be born already. Doug was working the car lot still and had crazy hours but on this particular day he had the day off and was taking the twins to get their haircut about 25 minutes from our house. Before Doug left I remember sitting on the edge of my bed and just crying while he stood there staring at me and I think I said something like, "I just want this to be over!" I was so uncomfortable! I had had a pretty uneventful pregnancy but I was at that stage where my body was not my own anymore. I had to pee constantly, my feet were swollen so bad that the only shoes I could fit into were my birkenstocks on the last hole, and I barely slept because I was so uncomfortable. So, Doug left to take the kids and I thought I should give my doctor a call just to see what he said. He said get to the hospital. So, unshowered, I threw a bag together and headed to the hospital. I called Doug on the way to let him know but told him I would let him know what the doctor said before he should head over. I got to the hospital and they determined I was 4 cm dialated and in labor.......Doug arrived about 45 minutes later after dropping the twins off with Charlotte. My mom immediately left Oregon on a flight to Orange County but got stuck in San Jose. I went into the hospital at noon and Ryan was born at 4:33pm and weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces. Pretty good for 3 weeks early! The doctors said he would have been well over 10 pounds had I carried him to full term....ouch! My mom made it to the hospital later that night and the twins were able to come visit that evening as well. It was not until 4:33 that a nurse said to me "are you going to name him Patrick?" that it dawned on me what day it was. Until that day we didn't really celebrate St. Patrick's Day and to be honest, if you had asked me any other time of that year when St. Patty's Day was, I probably would have said sometime in March but didn't know the exact date. Now we have our own personal leprecaun! :-)
Ryan and Mommy 1999

March 17, 2009 : Ry and I went to Disneyland all by ourselves! We had such a great time hanging out together and running from ride to ride. The day was perfect....about 75 degrees. We went on every ride Ryan wanted to go on which for Ryan meant every ride. Earlier in the day he had said to me that he wanted me to go on a ride called "California Screamin'" in California Adventure and I had heard that it was pretty crazy so all day I was nervous. As the time approached to head over to California Adventure I got more nervous and more nervous. We walked through the park and as we got closer to the ride I noticed that the row of cars with people on it was stopped at the top of the ride. I asked Ryan if that was normal and he said no...and then we heard a lady talking on her cell phone to someone saying that the ride was stuck. Oh Darn! It was shut down for the day! :-)
A Bug's Life Ride(below) and the ride that never happened :-) (above)

New Hat!

Driving behind me at Autopia

We were sitting outside watching a Jedi Training show and suddenly Darth Vader starting walking towards me.....scary!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Driving and the longest post EVER!

It seems that is what we've been doing alot of lately. Whether it be driving to and from school, driving to baseball, to hockey, to a cheer competition at Universal Studios, or just driving. AJ and Ali are in full swing driving mode. AJ is scheduled to take his "behind the wheel" on April 9th and Ali's test is TBA . Now time for catch up......

March 5th: Ryan's field trip to the mission in San Juan Capistrano
I am embarrased to say that I had never been to this beautiful place that is just 10 minutes from our house. The architecture was amazing and it was so fun to hang out with Ryan's class and learn about all that history!March 7th: Ali competes at Universal Studios City Walk and they take 2nd place!

(note to self, manual focus in on your kid NOT the giant guitar in the background)

March 7: (no this is not a repeated day....just a continuation of our busy weekend) Ryan's baseball game which we were late to because of traffic coming from Universal in Hollywood

March 8: Anaheim Ducks game AND Ryan's team plays on the ice afterwardsThis was the pre-game event out in the parking lot that Jack thought was a blast. You should have seen (or heard) us trying to get him away from this when it was game time.

This was Jack's first NHL game and he was soooooo excited! He actually got a little too excited at one point and fell off his chair and almost into another aisle...ooops! Here we are at Ryan's game after the NHL game. The boys had so much fun and even got some special appearances by Scott and Rob Neidermayer. (Scott's kids were playing also) This is Jack wondering "what the heck kind of call was that?"This weekend was a little more laid back. Ali had a cheer competition all weekend in Irvine but she didn't compete so we didn't go. Ryan had a hockey game which they tied, he also had a baseball game which he had to miss because it was at the same time as the hockey game and until we find a way to clone him that just won't work. And that leads us to now. Today is my day to get a ton of stuff done (including this post) because tomorrow Ryan and I are going to Disneyland for his 10th birthday! I can't believe that kid is going to be 10! It should be fun since I don't think I've ever gone with Ryan by ourselves. Doug is going to work from home so I don't have to take Jack so that will be nice. In case any of you are wondering where AJ is....he's still around. :-) He is currently looking into playing on his high school roller hockey...stay tuned...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Life as we know it.....

has been extremely busy! Never a dull moment in the Sheridan house as most of you may know. The reason for my extreme lack of blogging is due to our main PC being updated and tweaked by a friend of our's and so I am forced to use Doug's laptop which for some reason has a power surge and shuts off everytime I plug in my cord with my memory stick with pictures. So, this is a pictureless blog which isn't quite as fun or interesting but at least you can all move on from Jack's foot pictures.
So, I know we are into March already which is crazy to me but I need to start back in February. February 17th the twins turned 16! Yeah, I cannot believe that I have kids that are 16. No one is driving yet.....without me in the car anyway. That night we told the kids that they could invite some friends and we took them all to Benihana for dinner. It was alot of fun since most of them had never been. Adam, Jenn and the girls came with us and the little ones clapped and laughed at all the fun things the cook did for us.....Mickey Mouse head out of rice, volcano out of onions including steam coming from the volcano which Ryan thought was really cool. We also gave the kids each a pretty big visa gift card so they could each go shopping and spend it however they wanted. AJ blew his on a big screen tv and Ali is still working on it because she says it's hard to spend her own opposed to Mom's. :-) Most of you know about the whole "Ali's party" scenario/drama so I won't go over that again but that was this past weekend, the 28th. From what I've heard, it was pretty successful and everyone had a good time....I didn't go but Doug did for a short time. I am SOOOOOOO glad that is behind us.
Some other things that have been going on are that Jack had his last appointment at the burn center this past week. He has no restrictions now and the doctor told me that they could even revise his scar if needed in the future but I'm guessing he will be fine.....I don't think he will be a foot model or anything so I think he's good. Ryan started bball and his first game was this last Saturday. They won but I'm not sure by how much since we had to leave in the 6th inning to rush him to his hockey game....they won that too.
Doug has also been attempting to move into another office since around Christmas because his landlord was overcharging him. Well, he finally found another space in the same building but at a much better rate so we have spent the past few weeks organizing, selling, moving, manuevering, blah, blah, blah. It's a headache but personally I've had fun organizing. Man, those men are pigs!
So, that brings us to now. I am currently trying to organize our lives so that we are more productive here on the homefront. My mom will be here at the end of the month for her spring break which I am really looking forward to AND I just found out that my dad is coming the first weekend in April. He hasn't seen the kids in a year and a half so I am very excited to get to spend sometime with him. Ryan's 10th bday is right around the corner and I have no clue what he wants to do for his bday so I'm guessing it will be a pool/pizza party with some friends spending the night. Jack will be 2 in a month (sniff,sniff) and I am planning a big neighborhood party with a bounce house and maybe a Buzz Lightyear since that's what he is obsessed about these days. His favorite thing to do is climb up onto something and say "to infinite and beyond" and then jump off. My plan is to also take him to Disneyland on his bday but I am thinking maybe downtown Disney might be enough for now.....he IS only 2. And last but not least, I will be 35 next month and am wondering everyday if this is the year of the nervous breakdown. Stay tuned..... :-) Oh, AND I finished the Twilight comes out March 21st.......why can't all men be like Edward?

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