Wednesday, October 31, 2007

~Goodbye to Van~

So I was going to post a bunch of cute photos of my kids from tonight but something else happened. As some of you may or may not know, my grandpa died about 5 years ago from leukemia. Since then my grandma has found a great guy to share her life with for the last 2 years we call "Van". Living in California I did not get much of a chance to get to know Van but from the little time I did spend with him I could tell he really loved my grandma. Van was a funny guy as you can see from the above picture that shows him at my house last year at Adam's 30th bday dressed as a swiss miss. Not too many guys can pull off drag! And last year when we were in Sunriver for New Year's, he helped the guys put up a great fight when we played Battle of the Sexes....we still won...ha,ha! He was a fun guy to be around and always seem to have a great look on life. Unfortunately tonight he passed away from pancreatic cancer and he will be greatly missed. As some of you may also know or not know, my mom works full time as a teacher but found time to also be there for my grandma which I think is amazing but if you know my mom, that is not uncommon for her to be there for someone she loves. She is an amazing strength that never ceases to amaze me. Tomorrow I will probably post some great pix that I took tonight but for now I wanted to remember a man that made my grandma laugh and will be missed.


Anonymous said...

At first glance, I thought the picture of you and Adam was of AJ and Ali!!

PS, enjoy your first mammogram, there ain't nothin' like having them squished in a vice like device!



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