Saturday, November 17, 2007

3-1 Lightning

Don't you just wanna pinch those cheeks!
So tonight AJ had a hockey game and they did really well! They won 3-1 and with AJ now playing's way more exciting to watch. He does a great job! Unfortunately I wanted to get some great shots of him on the ice but this rink has netting that blocks any good shots so as you will see in the picture below, this is as good as it gets. Also, some other shots courtesy of paparrazi Ryan who heard "down in front" a lot. Tomorrow AJ has another game but I have to take Ali to cheer so no game for me. Sunday Ali has her Showcase for cheer which is simply that. Not a competition just a day to show the parents and friends what they have been working so hard for these past 6 months. I usually sneak a peek at what's going on at practice but this season I decided I wanted to be surprised, not to mention what a pain it is to drag Jack in there as well. So, I am very excited to see what great things these girls have been up to! More on that Sunday! FYI, Yes, Back by popular demand, I've gone blonde jokes please.


Jenn said...

That out outfit Jack has on is so cute w/ the beenie! I wouls love to go to Ali's showcase, I told her weeks ago not to forget to tell me when and where! Tomorrow? What time and where?

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