Friday, December 21, 2007

4 more days!

Circa 1998. This was our Christmas picture for that year. Amazing to see how far we've come and how far I have come in just my ability to take pictures. Not that I'm an expert because I am far from that but I just look at this picture and think "Was that the best background I could have chosen?" Anyhoo, the kids were in kindergarten that year and I was newly prego with Ryan at the time so maybe my brain being overtaken by the pregnancy is why I chose this background???
Today is a very rare day where we have NOTHING going on. Ali is having ice cream with some friends after school and I have to hit the grocery store, post office, dry cleaners, bank, Michaels, the place where I get my facials to give her a gift, and all before 2pm when Ryan gets home. That is a day of doing "nothing" in the Sheridan house.


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