Sunday, December 9, 2007

Happy Birthday McKenzie!

Then.............and Now
Today was my niece, McKenzie's 3rd birthday! I can't believe how time flies but here we are and she has grown up so much! In the last year she has gone from talking gibberish (is that a word?) to she won't shut up and what a sassy little thing she is! I am sure I was just as bad if not worse since Kenzie is the first born just like I was and she is also Daddy's girl just like I was which means that she can get my brother Adam to do just about anything she wants with that little smile or a simple "Daddy?" It's really quite interesting to witness. Anyhoo, today Ryan had a hockey game and then we headed to Adam and Jenn's for some pizza and cupcakes and to witness Ms. Birthday Girl sing happy birthday to herself because she wouldn't let anyone else sing and she also read all her own birthday cards which was absolutely adorable since it was obviously made up and didn't make sense to anyone but her. After the party we went home and soon after I had to take my mom (did I mention she was here for the weekend?) to the airport. Rewind to the beginning of the weekend.....Friday we took the kids to see Santa which means we took Jack to see Santa and the other kids got drug along. Ryan kinda wanted to see him but wasn't so sure...he's 8 ya' know and that's borderline big boy that doesn't sit on Santa's lap anymore. My mom also came in from Portland. Saturday morning we had to be at Ali's cheer competition at El Toro High at 8am.....her team went on at 9:30, did awesome and took 2nd place! Yeah Ali! Later that day, AJ had a hockey game in Riverside which they won...yeah AJ! Then today , as I said before, Ryan had a hockey game in Anaheim which they lost.....bummer for Ryan....and AJ's team had another game which they won....yeah AJ!
So that was our weekend. Once again filled with sports and no church which I am truly bummed about but I know we will get there and be able to get to church again soon. Christmas is 15 days away and I am starting to get the high speed shakes! I still have so much to do and not enough time. Where's that magic wand when you need it? Also, for those of you wondering where's your Christmas card......they are coming I swear! I'm taking the kids out tomorrow for some pix and hopefully we will get lucky!


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