Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Christmas Eve!

So one more day and then it's Christmas! What are YOU doing today? 50% of my kids are gone right now and I just woke up so life is good. Doug let me sleep in today but it was hard to keep sleeping with Jack's bird impressions going on downstairs. Ali went to the Crystal Cathedral last night to set up for their services as part of her community service she has to do for school and then today her and her bestfriend, Brittan are in downtown LA passing out breakfast burritos to the homeless with Brittan's mom. What a great kid huh? AJ is at a friends house and I'm sure will be making an appearance soon. As for my day....I have yet to even figure out what's going on. I think I will probably call Jenn here soon and see if her and Adam are going to bring the girls over for dinner and to open gifts and then I think we are going to hit one of the services at church tonight but not sure which one. Ryan has been battling a serious cold so we will see what happens. This picture is from 2003 when we were having our pool put in and the kids thought it would be funny to take a picture with the porta-potty that stood out in front of our house for 2 attractive but the post man loved it for those potty breaks. The light is awful in the first pic....Ryan's face looks like it's melting...I'm not sure what happened but the second picture was what we ended up sending out that year. Enjoy and have a great Christmas Eve!


Anonymous said...

Nothing says "Merry Christmas" like a Port A Potty in your front yard...did you put lights on it?


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