Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day 2...piece of cake!

Okay, so my day yesterday was a little hectic but it was partly my own fault. I shouldn't have scheduled to have new tires put on my car on a day when Doug wasn't home....I also shouldn't have scheduled a dentist appt. but oh well. Amazingly I got so much accomplished yesterday and everything ran very smoothly with the exception of Ryan's ride to hockey being a no show and then showing up 45 minutes late and Ali being late to cheer because of it.....all went well. Today my day is not so eventful. I scheduled a chiropractic appt for the kids, Ryan has hockey (not using the same people for his ride), and Ali has cheer. My biggest goal today will be to get a shower in which I should be able to do right after this blog. I talked to Doug and it's not as cold as he thought it would be in Michigan so AJ didn't need that long underwear afterall. They are having their first game as we speak and hopefully I will have some good news to blog about tomorrow. Weather here is totally bizarre....well, maybe not so bizarre but isn't it winter? The weather man is saying it may hit 80 degrees this weekend.......I miss Oregon!


Anonymous said...

It's actually in the 50s here, it hit record highs of 65 earlier this week. It's probably the same in Michigan


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