Friday, January 11, 2008

Day 3....awwww the weekend!

Okay, so remember my post yesterday about missing Oregon....well, maybe I don't miss it all that much. While I was lounging out by my pool yesterday, I was talking to my mom while she was trying to drive through the rain and hail while listening to the news about a tornado that had touched down near her house. I was listening to her radio while she was driving and was hearing them tell people to get in their basements or if they didn't have a basement to get in the lowest part of their house. All of this while I was listening to birds chirping and the waterfall going with the sun beating down on my face poolside. Granted tornados in WA are rare...I don't remember ever hearing of one while I was growing up....I guess I would much rather weather the few earthquakes we have than deal with tornados and golf ball size hail.
So my day today is the easiest of all the days while Doug is gone. I have to hit the grocery store, go to Sears to get a replacement filter for the fridge, take Ryan to get cleats for bball tryouts tomorrow, and do some shopping at the mall. It's an absolute beautiful day today....weatherman says the high should be in the 70's so I'm good with that. I talked to Doug late last night and unfortunately our team lost by a goal yesterday and Doug said the boys weren't playing their best....obviously. He had one of his "kicking over the water bottles and storming out of the locker room" moments between periods with the boys so I'm guessing some kids didn't give it their all....hopefully today will be better.


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