Monday, January 28, 2008

Jack's 1st Haircut

Ok, so I needed a little escape and Jack's first haircut became it! I wasn't really thinking he needed a haircut yet until I got my 2nd comment about how cute my son's mullet was this week at the grocery store. Don't you mean "mohawk"? I thought the first guy was confused until we got the same comment again a few days later so I decided it was time for a little clean up. As the pictures show he started off good.....

Then slowly......
he figured out what was going on and didn't like it!
And as soon as it was over, he was back to his happy old self!

No more mullet for Jack!


Jenn said...

What a big boy, Kenzie was the same way the 1st time.....He looks so handsome though!!

Anonymous said...

Now he looks even MORE like Ryan. I have to say RJ and Chris didn't cry for their first hair cuts, but Sean bawled. Probably because he had been so bald for so long he didn't want to part with that hard grown hair!



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