Thursday, February 28, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We are home! Jack's surgery went great! He went in Tuesday morning around 7:30am and was out by 8:30. His doctor said that everything went exactly as planned which was such a relief to me! Jack looked a little scary....he had his whole head wrapped because they took the donor tissue from his scalp and his foot was wrapped as well. Then I spent the whole day on Tuesday keeping him busy. He couldn't get out and play because the doctor wanted him to take it easy which was really hard for a 10 month old! So we are back home! I don't think I could have taken that hospital food one more day. We go back to the doctor on Friday and they will assess his foot and go from there. Most likely they will re-wrap it in a lighter dressing and see us in a week or so. The spot on his head has a sticker on it that will eventually fall off as it heals and his hair grows back...they say between 7-10 days. He is such a little trooper though! Not once did he seem in pain even if he was. Thank you all for your texts, phone calls, and prayers!


Anonymous said...

Good news!!!! Kiss that baby for me.

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