Sunday, February 3, 2008

Rain, hockey and more hockey!

So we got a lot of rain in the last 24 hours which we so need but it was not fun to drive in this morning to Escondido for Ryan's game. There were so many spin outs and accidents on the freeway it was really scary! Ryan's team did not win but Ryan got an assist which was awesome! Doug and AJ left yesterday for Valencia (Magic Mountain) for AJ's games and they lost one, won one yesterday and tied this morning and are playing right now for a seed at states......cross your fingers. Next weekend they will be off to San Jose if they win and Ali and I are headed to Palm Springs for a cheer competition and maybe a little shopping. Everyone seems to be getting past this cold which is good and I'm hoping Jack stays healthy. Doug's mom made it to Arizona after a 12 hour journey that should have taken 5. I think they got a little lost but at least they got there right?


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