Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Today I spent the day hating HMO's. As a family of 6, it makes more sense for us to have an HMO until now. Let me explain.......
Last night in the ER they asked me to take Jack to the UCI burn unit in Anaheim first thing today. So, trying to make up for my mommy mishap yesterday, I called bright and early this morning to get him in and to my suprise, and frustration, I found out that he could not be seen until his pediatrician authorized it. So I immediately call his doctor and they suggest to me that I come in and have the doctor look at Jack's foot BUT they don't have an opening until 3pm. Ok, I can wait....I guess. To make a very long story short, I get there at 3, wait until 3:30 to be seen and his doctor tells me that I do not need to go to the burn unit but I need to change the dressing on his foot 3 times a day and he needs an antibiotic cream as well. We go back on Friday and will re-evaluate but the doctor says everything should heal up fine. Jack is the best baby! It was as if nothing was wrong today. He played as usual, crawled all over the house as usual, and smiled and giggled as usual. This kid is amazing! What an overwhelming 24 hours this has been and what a blessing it is to have such a great, go-with-the-flow baby that has made it that much easier!


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