Monday, February 11, 2008

~Girls only~

This weekend Ali and I went to Palm Springs for her cheer competition. We left Saturday afternoon and stayed until late Sunday night. The weather was great and being my very first overnighter without Jack, I did surprisingly well. The girls performed Saturday night and did the best I think I've ever see them do! Didn't drop any stunts and hit all their tumbling which was amazing! Not having Jack with me also gave me the opportunity to talk with a lot of the parents and have some adult time which was SO needed. A bunch of us moms...and one dad, had about 2 hours to kill so we went and had a few drinks which I haven't done in forever! Sunday I surprised Ali with a morning trip to Cabazon which is a HUGE outlet strip. Her goal was to get the $79 True Religions but no such luck. By the time we got there, they had been all picked over. Sunday night the girls performed at 6:20 and then they had awards at 7:30 and they placed 4th out of 8 teams! Yay!!!!! So right after awards we raced home and walked in the door around 10pm. The weather could not have been better and the time with Ali was great. I only wish we could have stayed maybe one more night but oh well....maybe another time. Here are some highlights from the competition.


Anonymous said...

I have seen my future and it is...

sitting a cheerleading competitions:)


Abigail's mom

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