Sunday, April 6, 2008

HaPpY BIrThDaY to Me!

Is that proper blogging etiquette? Anyway, it's my 34th bday and I feel very old! I remember watching "Friends" when I was in my 20's and thinking that they were so old to be in their 30's! Well, here I am well into them and the highlight of my day is that I got to sleep in until 9am and I am going to go to Home Depot with my husband and get flowers to plant. My kids are also kissing my butt a little so it's all good. :-)

Me with my Dad.....nice shirt huh? And wasn't my mom HOT!!!! You go girl!


Jenn said...

Happy Birthday Lo!!!

Anonymous said...

You're only as old as you old does that make Doug? LOL

Wish we could be there!


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