Sunday, April 27, 2008

~Magic is for Magicians~

Ok, quick update....Ryan lost his game on Saturday but had a great play at first, Aidan's been here all weekend and the boys have been getting along great, it's so freaking hot outside that I think I could scramble eggs on the sidewalk.....oh, and Ali made her high school cheer team!!!!!!! What a day it was yesterday! Quick rewind.....there was a cheer clinic Monday through Thursday leading up to Saturday tryouts and Ali was sick on Monday so didn't make the clinic, Tuesday she managed to get out of bed despite feeling lousy and went to school for half the day and then did the clinic and then went to the gym to practice her tumbling, Wednesday Doug took her to the doctor and we found out she has bronchitis BUT she went to school half day and then did the clinic. Thursday she was so sick, she couldn't get out of bed and she was running a temp so no school, no clinic. Friday it was a medical miracle and she seemed way better but I kept her home from school anyway just to get her strength back. So Friday night she spent a good couple hours at another cheerleader's house learning the dance they needed to know and practicing the cheer as well. I personally was terrified that this wasn't going to be a good outcome because she had been so sick all week. So, Saturday rolls around and she is fired up! She practices the dance throughout the morning in front of Jack and Aidan and looked amazingly good. I dropped her off at her school at 1:30 and didn't go back until 6pm. They finally posted the results at 7pm and to our excitement, she made the JV team! It was so awesome to see the excitement and relief in her face because I think she even was a little more nervous knowing that most of the other girls had not been sick like her all week. A couple of Ali's other friends made varsity like Brittan in the picture with her. We are so excited that she is finally going to be a part of her high school like this and that we can come and watch her cheer on the cougars all next year ...not to mention the little perk of finally being able to say goodbye to her previous team, Magic Allstars!


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Ali!


Aunt Lori


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