Friday, May 16, 2008

What we've been up to

Painting Ali's room (see previous posts), going to Ryan's baseball games, waiting for Jack to walk(any day now), getting ready for summer, and a new car. Life in the Sheridan house is never dull. We are always doing something and most days I am worn to the core. This week was no different. Monday Doug made a very humbling decision to trade in his impulse buy Cadillac that we've had for 2 years and been paying almost what some people pay for their mortgage...well, maybe not THAT much but it's alot. So we got a Ford Edge. It's very cool and I told him that if I wasn't driving around 4 kids and the kids friends, I would totally drive it. My car seats 8. So on Monday we took the car for a test drive right after dropping Ali off at open gym. Wednesday Ryan had a baseball game against the Diamondbacks. Awesome game....we won something like 10-3 I think. Ali also went to youth group which she hasn't been able to do in a long time because she typically has cheer Wednesday nights. Although AJ's season is over, of course Doug has him in a clinic twice a week plus he has games on the weekend. Hockey season NEVER ends in our house. The kids have 4 more weeks of school and I have to say that I am excited. We have some small trips planned and between Ali in cheer, AJ and Ryan starting hockey tryouts in late June, their will not be a dull moment. Micah, Kylie and Cade are hopefully going to make a trip early July, and then we've got a girl's trip to Vegas in August. Mark comes home in exactly 18 days after being on an aircraft carrier for 4 months so that is another must-do trip to visit with him and Stacie and the munchkins. By the way, Happy Birthday Marky! :-)
So, that's what we've been up to. I keep asking Doug what he thinks we will do when the kids are all gone and married off.....maybe join a bowling team????


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