Monday, October 13, 2008

This is what keeps me going.....

I'll be the first to say it, life sucks just a little right now. The economy has really got me down and even though I know we will get through it, I hate the "getting through it" part. It's no secret that things are not good for a lot of people right now. Doug is in the mortgage business so we are one of those people right now. We are a family that is used to living pretty comfortably. We live in Orange County, our kids play sports that cost more than some people's car payments per month, and yet I haven't had a mani/pedi in 2 months at least. As someone that came from basically nothing, I am totally fine with that. I can do my own nails, I can wash my own car, heck, I can even clean my own house.....but it's the everyday struggle that I am having a hard time with. I'm not used to saying no to my kids because we truly can't afford it.....I usually say no because we CAN but SHOULDN'T give them everything. Now I'm having to pinch every penny and tell my kids sorry we can't do that.....I hate it. But the one thing that keeps me going....or should I say 4 things that keep me going....are my kids. Ok, some of you that really know me are probably laughing your a** off right now knowing what I've been going through with a certain someone lately but truly it is my kids that keep me going. Deep down in my heart I know that I am going to be a better mom/ a better wife after this is all over. We also have family that is struggling and that kills me to watch and not be able to help. I keep telling myself "it can only get better right?" Only God knows. What's the worse that happens? We lose our house? We lose our cars? It's easy to say now knowing that we aren't there yet but I pray every day that we keep going....that my husband keeps moving foward and that we remain strong as a family.....and when I say "family" I don't just mean the Sheridans.
*By the way, Jack's shirt reads "Make Pizza, Not War".......words to live by :-)


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