Sunday, October 5, 2008

This week in pictures

His tshirt reads "Most Likely to Be Your Boss"

AJ and Ali Saturday night on their way to a "sweet sixteen" partyThis was an amazing burger place on the side of the road on our way from AJ's hockey game to the pumpkin patch...the only drawback was the burgers were almost $6 each!

We've been going to this pumkin patch for 10 years now and this was the first time we brought along Doug! Usually a girlfriend and I bring all the kids. Last year the fires were so close we couldn't come.

This petting zoo was so amazing! Jack actually got to pet a pig, chicken, goat, bunny, duck, goose and donkey.

This little pig was sooooo cute! can you say "hand sanitizer"?There was a family of ducks in cute!The more kids you have, the harder it is to get them all looking AND smiling! This was the best picture of the 4 of them.

Jack picking out his pumpkin.


Anonymous said...

OK, could the twins be anymore grown up???? The pumpkin pix are great. Gotta love petting zoos, Abigail got to pet a goat and a donkey at the Cleve Zoo last week.


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