Thursday, November 13, 2008

Goodbye myspace!

Laura Rummel Sheridan's Facebook profileAbout 2 years ago my teenagers were showing an interest in and so I signed on simply to monitor what was going on. It became an obsession until a few months ago when I suddenly felt like maybe it was time to grow up a little...maybe it was that one guy from Canada that kept trying to hook up even though I said I was married and NOT interested and PLEASE leave me alone. Can you say "green card" ? Anyway, thanks to Micah, I am now a big girl and am on Facebook. So, look for me there. I will still have my myspace account simply to spy but not really using it much.
**Also, update on Ali....yesterday abdominal ultrasound, today upper GI, next week check bone marrow.....good times! So far nothing has been found which I guess is good but not really. She doesn't want to eat anymore...maybe has a small meal once a day if that. This is really frustrating!


Anonymous said...

Thinking of Ali, give her our love.


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