Thursday, December 25, 2008

MeRrY ChRiStMaS!

What an amazing day! Our littlest monster woke us up at 7:15am and the kids ran downstairs to see what Santa had left. Santa left lots of great stuff but the greatest thing we were all happy to see was the Wii Fit! Thanks Santa! Some of the big gifts this year were the Ipod Touch that both the older boys got, Ali got a digital camera and some "7" jeans, and Jack got a workbench, a hockey stick and hockey gloves. I forgot how cool it is to watch a toddler play with the simpliest toy as opposed to the biggest or most expensive. Jack spent most of the day playing with a tiger that when it's mouth opens, it's a flashlight....oh, and it growls or he'd switch off and put his hockey gloves on and run around with his new stick. We lost the older two boys to the upstairs where they programmed their Ipods and played the Wii and Xbox. Ali also disappeared and was reorganizing her room to accomodate her new I-home and everything else.
Tradition: Doug makes breakfast Christmas morning. It was soooo good! He always does such a great job at making yummy blueberry pancakes and eggs and hashbrowns.
Tradition: Go ice skating at Aliso Viejo Ice Palace and having the whole rink to ourselves. Except for this year a few other families caught onto our tradition and joined us. We bring hot chocolate and goodies and the kids free skate and play 3-on-3 hockey. This year was extra special because Jack was going on the ice for the first time....that is a big deal in the Sheridan family. He LOVED it! He loved it so much that when I tried to take his skates off, he freaked and I had to put them back on. It was so much fun to watch and visit with our friends. It may not have been the white Christmas I have been hearing about all week from friends and family up north, but at least it was cold this year and not 85 degrees! It rained most of the day which made for perfect napping weather......and at the end of the day, Doug made a yummy prime rib with garlic mashies and veggies and for the first time in I don't know how long, we actually had 2 meals at our dining room table as a family in 1 day! A Christmas miracle! :-)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great day...not a white Christmas here, it was rainy. Right now it's 55 degrees. Love the picture of Jack!

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