Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanx and Baking Craze

This was our "adult" table. AJ and Ali had to toast and have this pic taken for extra credit in Spanish. (I have no idea) Uncle Adam trying to make Jack pee his pants which is ok when you wear a diaper And our baking frenzie started Friday night. AJ and Ali helped.....well, Ali helped while AJ provided humor

These are peanut butter mini ritz dipped in chocolate with an m-n-m...yummmmm

Peanut Butter Balls which are my personal weakness so we made lots!

This was an experiment this year...I think it was called mocha- something erather...I dunno but it had coffee in it .
Speaking of experiments...this was an experiment gone very bad. I had this great idea of making homemade candy canes this year and giving them out to neighbors but it was harder than I thought. Between my carpul tunnel and the candy just being hard to work with in general...they turned out like this. I haven't tried one yet so we'll see.
Peppermint Bark
Almond RochaWe also did peanut brittle and cinnamon ornaments but for some reason I didn't take a picture of those. Our two days of baking...now let's see how long it lasts! :-)


Anonymous said...

YUM!!! I'm on my way to visit, right now :)


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