Friday, December 12, 2008

Where's Ryan?

So, seeing Santa this year was quite the experience. First off we went as a family to the mall to see what is usually an amazing Santa. The line was suprisingly short but when we got up to Santa, they totally rushed us which is why Jack looks like a deer in the headlights. I was thrilled that he wasn't screaming but would have really liked to have him smiling and when I saked if they could take just one more picture, they said no and asked me what package I would like. At that point I just walked away and let Doug decide. He ended up getting the CD of this picture which was the best one of the 4. Ryan did not want his picture taken because after all, he is almost 10 and if word got around at school, he'd be toast. (this is what he said to me) So, long story short, I get home to post this on here and the disc is BLANK. What an ordeal! So today I thought, well, I wasn't too excited about the picture anyway so maybe this is a good thing. We got to the mall and there was a different Santa which was fine, lines were a little longer which was still ok, but when we got up to Santa....guess who freaked out? Jack totally wigged out to the point where I just said forget it and "can I please have the picture that we took last night?" They said sure and then gave us this one of the twins free for the inconvenience. AJ told Santa he wanted a football.....good one AJ.


Anonymous said...

Great pix! Abigail wouldn't go ANYWHERE near Santa...she even screamed when the boys went near him. It was very funny. Tell Ryan that Sean did sit on Santa's lap :)

Kelly Dickson said...

Hi Laura! Wish I could get my kids to pose with Santa so it could be documented. They love him from a distance, but forget the whole lap thing! Can't BELIEVE how big your kids are getting!! Love you!

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