Sunday, January 11, 2009

A VERY busy weekend but NO PICS

This weekend was C-R-A-Z-Y! It started out Friday with Ali's first basketball game to cheer at for the season. Capo won by almost double which made it not such a great game to watch but it was fun to see the girls cheer. Saturday Ali had a cheer competition at her school but because of being sick so much this year, she's an alternate.....for now....but despite not having Ali, her team took 1st! While Ali was at cheer, AJ had hockey and Ryan had baseball tryouts so I opted out of Ali's competition since I currently am only one person. Then last night we went to watch BCL's Bantam team play J Serra Catholic and then we ended up going out to dinner. Today Ali had to work at the dance portion of the competition ALL day and I had to work concessions from 12:30pm until about 5. It was about 90 degrees today so it made for a LONG day but it was really great to talk with some of the other moms and catch up with some I hadn't seen in a while. AJ had a hockey game while Ali and I were at their school so Doug took all the boys to the rink where my great friends Michele and Cynthia watched Jack and Ryan for me while Doug and AJ were on the bench.......thankyou, thankyou! So, here I am finally sitting down for one of the first times this weekend. I am exhausted! Despite all the fun and craziness, I did not take one picture to add to this blog. Hopefully this week will be a little more exciting and more pics will be taken! :-)


Jenn said...

you blog more:)- I haven't really felt like it, no energy to sit and blog....but I can sit on facebook for an hour!HaHa

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