Saturday, May 30, 2009

This week in pictures

This week went by sooo fast with the holiday and all. Gammie came to visit last weekend and we went to the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana that has an exhibit on the science of hockey along with a robot exhibit. Jack in totally fascinated with the zamboni so he got to ride one! And both boys had a chance to shoot and score!

Park with Jack

And last but not least, PROM! Prom is only for Juniors or Seniors unless you get asked by a junior or senior. Ali got asked a few weeks ago by Brandon, a junior in her spanish class. So, Doug and I went round and round about it....should we let her go? We decided that we would let her go if we could meet Brandon prior to so we went out to dinner with his family this week. Brandon's dad is a total sport nut so of course Doug and him had alot to talk about. Brandon is the pitcher for the Varsity bball team as well as the quarterback. Anyway, prom was tonight and Ali and I spent the entire day prepping which was exhausting but fun. 11am: nails done, 1:30: hair done, 3:00: makeup done and get dressed in Nordstrom bathroom because we had no time to go home. 4:00: pictures in San Juan. Home at 1am.....(crossing our fingers) As you can tell, Ali looked gorgeous and Brandon was very handsome!

Where has the time gone?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I cannot remember....

what I did BEFORE Jack. I mean, I know we went about our day and I know life was good but this kid cracks me up on a daily basis. Last night we went to a 50th surprise party and we had to park down the street in front of this amazing house with a great white picket fence and brick and jasmine and gorgeous roses and ......anyway, you get the idea. Jack was sweet enough to let me do my thing and take some pics of him before heading to the party.

And this one is just one of the many taken for Jack's 2nd year your heart out ladies!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jack the Big Boy

My child has attempted to get out of his crib maybe 3 times since his birth and so I have never felt the extreme need to switch his crib over to a toddler bed until this week. This week Jack has climbed out of his crib every morning and every afternoon after nap so yesterday I finally accepted in my mind that it's time. (sniff, sniff) It's taking a little getting used to. Jack is usually a great napper and great sleeper but the first day was a little rough. It took me two hours of pulling a "super nanny" and putting him back to bed 50 times before he finally stayed and then last night I had to lay next to his bed and then army crawl out of his room when I thought he was asleep. For some reason I don't remember it being such a big deal with Ryan but Ryan wasn't quite 2 and he also shared a room with AJ at the time so that probably made it a little easier....I don't know. All I know is that my little guy is growing up and I don't like it......maybe time for another baby???? :-) Just Kidding!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Aidan & Happy 29th Marky!

Today was AJ and Ali's nephew, Aidan's 2nd birthday....yes, AJ and Ali are an uncle and aunt which kinda makes me a Grandma I guess and definately makes Doug a Grandpa :-)! Anyway, today was Aidan's 2nd birthday and it was down in Dana Point at the beach. Not such great beach weather but it was fun watching the kids play in the sand and to visit with friends. Our day was absolutely one of the craziest in a long time! It started with Ryan's hockey game at 9:40am, then AJ had to be in Irvine at 10am for hockey practice and then me, Ali, and Jack went to Aidan's party in Dana Point. So just as we were finishing singing "happy bday" to Aidan, the group of people next to us starting carrying their food out of their car to their picnic table and this is what I saw.......I didn't even care if I offended them, I HAD to get a picture of what they were about to feast on! Can you tell what it is? Let's just say it's a good thing you can't get the swine flu from eating swine! To each their own I guess.

After the party, we headed home to put Jack down for a nap, I quickly ate some lunch and then headed back out to the ball fields to watch the last half of Ryan's game and then I had snackbar duty from 3:30 until 6:30 which really ended up being closer to 7:30......I am pooped! Luckily Doug read my mind and he had everyone ready to go when I got home to go out to dinner at one of my favorite places....Pacific Whey! Yum!

FYI, Ryan struck out his first up to bat and then bunted and got on first...way to go Ry!

Last but not least, today is my little bro Mark's 29th bday! Happy bday Marky! Love you!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I think this was by far the best Mother's Day...except we were missing one ingredient...Doug! Doug is in Cleveland with his mom who is not doing so well but I'm glad he went to spend some much needed time with her and to see his sister and her family.

So, starting Thursday I got a bouquet of flowers and the card read "I", then on Friday another beautiful bouquet arrived saying "LOVE". Then on Saturday another one arrived saying, "YOU"......I thought this was it but then today this arrived.........saying "BIG"...."Big" is what the twins used to say instead of "alot" or "so much" at the end of "I love you" when they were little. Then I got to do a little gardening with AJ which was super fun and then take Ali to the walk-in and find out she has an ulcer in her throat....just what I wanted to hear today! :-) I guess all the meds she's been taking for her sinus infection gave her an ulcer. Anyway, after Jack's nap, we headed out to Balboa Island where we took the ferry over and walked the boardwalk....ate Pizza Pete's super greasy pizza and then headed to the beach. Happy Mother's Day everyone! :-)

Please excuse my 10 year old that thinks this is funny :-)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

2009-2010 Capo Cheer Tryouts!

These past few weeks have been anything but hum-drum. The cheer banquet was a little over a week ago and it went great! All the girls LOVED their photo albums I made which was a huge relief and the banquet itself was alot of fun! This week Ali had cheer clinic which then led to cheer tryouts on Friday and results Friday of course, Ali got sick. I had her scheduled to see a ear, nose and throat specialist because she has had tonsilitis for 3 months now and been on 2 different antibiotics with no results. That was on Monday of this week and we found out that she needs to get her tonsils out...yay!? So being the trooper she is, Ali did the whole week of cheer clinic with her throat hurting, a sinus infection, and her asthma being irritated by all that. In the end it was all worth it because she made the Varsity team! We are so proud of her and excited about her next season with an amazing group of girls. Most of whom were already on her team this past season but also some new girls that mesh really well with the rest. We had a small speed bump throughout the week with a mom wanting to cause drama from another team but fortunately she decided to take her daughter elsewhere and spare us the headache of dealing with her all year....thankyou! Well, Ali will most likely have her tonsils out in another week or so...we are just waiting on the results of some cultures that the dr. took from her nose (gross) to see what exactly she has and what meds she can take to clear it up before taking her tonsils out. Stay tuned...

FYI...this is what Jack insisted on wearing to the cheer tryout results.....a Superman cape that my mom had made for Ryan when he was Jack's age and this hat that I found at the Gap....great look don't ya' think? The girls like it! :-)

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