Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I think this was by far the best Mother's Day...except we were missing one ingredient...Doug! Doug is in Cleveland with his mom who is not doing so well but I'm glad he went to spend some much needed time with her and to see his sister and her family.

So, starting Thursday I got a bouquet of flowers and the card read "I", then on Friday another beautiful bouquet arrived saying "LOVE". Then on Saturday another one arrived saying, "YOU"......I thought this was it but then today this arrived.........saying "BIG"...."Big" is what the twins used to say instead of "alot" or "so much" at the end of "I love you" when they were little. Then I got to do a little gardening with AJ which was super fun and then take Ali to the walk-in and find out she has an ulcer in her throat....just what I wanted to hear today! :-) I guess all the meds she's been taking for her sinus infection gave her an ulcer. Anyway, after Jack's nap, we headed out to Balboa Island where we took the ferry over and walked the boardwalk....ate Pizza Pete's super greasy pizza and then headed to the beach. Happy Mother's Day everyone! :-)

Please excuse my 10 year old that thinks this is funny :-)


Anonymous said...

What a fun day...why is Ali wearing a winter coat in California?????


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