Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day One in Ohio

Today was a good starter day. Of course we didn't get started until about noon because we were in bed at 2am but we did good. Went to Bob Evans for brunch and then headed to Doug's moms to evaluate the situation. Doug's sister met us there and she is amazing! We were able to go through all of his moms jewelry and assess what was keepable and what was not. I found a few things here and there that I had given her and took along with some other momentos that I knew were important to keep in the family. The biggest find was Doug's train set in the basement! Overall a much bigger job than one trip will take care of but manageable. It's a great old house that I am hoping we can keep and fix up.
After an afternoon of that we headed back to our hotel with Doug's sister and her fam for some pizza and swimming. They are amazing people and I wish we lived closer to spend more time with them! (and I'm not just saying that because I know you are reading this Lori :-)
Tomorrow is the big event...the funeral. I'm hoping that it is not like a huge AA meeting with everyone announcing their name and then everyone saying "Hi ____". If so I'm taking a vote as to what my "made-up" addiction should be. I'm leaning toward stay at home mom that's on oxycotin. Or maybe just a huge obsessive compulsive cleaner and organizer? Oh wait, that IS me! :-)


Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Lori and I had a BIG drink with neighbors when I got home last night :)

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