Monday, June 29, 2009


Well, we made it home safely and are still trying to get used to the time change but overall the trip was a success. We layed Doug's mom to rest on Wednesday and then spent the rest of the time going through a houseful of everything. Berdie was definately a hoarder if I ever saw one! We spent day and night going through what seemed to be endless amounts of things from jewelry to old pictures to randomness. My sister in law Lori won the prize for best find...a donut in a jacket pocket still in tact...yuck! We were able to empty out all the perishables and donate all her clothing to the halfway house that she worked at. For as many days as we spent and 40 bags of trash later, we still have only scraped the surface. Doug and I will be flying back to finish up going through the house and hopefully make more headway this time around. We did meet with a lawyer that advised us about what we need to do with the estate and we also got to spend some much needed time with family that we had not seen in a long time. We also got a chance to visit the cemetary where Doug's grandparents are and his sister. In California you don't see too many cemetaries. The headstones at this place were amazing and beautiful!

Lori and Jack swimming

Jack and cousin Abigail

Berdie's funeral


Anonymous said...

Great the ones of AJ and Ali and Jack and Abigail. I will put my pix on a CD for you.

Anonymous said...

BTW...when ever I log onto the computer, Abigail comes RUNNING. We have to look at the picture of Jack's butt :)

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