Saturday, January 5, 2008

9 months!

Today Jack is 9 months! Where has the time gone? So I wasn't sure if we were going to have a big "milestone" event for this month but my little guy didn't let me down! About 4 days ago he started clapping his hands on his own! Ya Jack! A not-so-great part of this past month is that Jack has suddenly decided that he is no longer sleeping through the night which has been exhausting! I took him to his doctor and after weighing in at 24.7 pounds, we discovered that he had a sinus infection so now he is on antibiotics and hopefully he will get back into his routine once the kids are back in school on Monday. With clapping out of the way, which is very helpful at all those hockey games, we are working on waving. It's so amazing to watch what little things are so BIG when you are a baby. Jack is now eating a breakfast, lunch, and dinner aside from having bottles throughout the day. His fav seems to be pureed mac-n-cheese which means he's a true Sheridan/Rummel. Anyhoo, here are some recent shots my mom took of him the other night while Doug and I were out to dinner. It's really sad just how miserable he is....enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Look at those teeth !!! I just want to pinch his beautiful cheeks. 24 pounds!!! Abigail weighed 16 pounds this week at her 6 mos check up. She's in the 50th percentile for weights and 75th for height. No teeth yet, but they're coming.


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