Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy 14th Birthday Chris and Ryan plays the pond

First off let me say Happy Birthday to my nephew, Chris! Hope you had a great day bud! Here in CA, we were anticipating the big "storm" that we've been hearing all about on the news which JUST arrived about 2 hours ago. Thankfully it didn't start raining until we were home from Ryan's big debut at the pond...aka Honda Center in Anaheim. For those of us big Ducks fans, it will always be "the pond". Ryan's team had an opportunity to play a scrimmage game a few hours before the Ducks played and it was so much fun to see all those little guys out there. He did awesome as usual despite Doug not being on the bench to coach because he had a funeral to go to. Instead uncle Adam stood in and did a great job. Afterwards the boys all stayed and watch the Ducks play while the girls went home. I woke up with a migraine this morning so staying for a hockey game was the last thing I wanted to do. Here are some great pictures courtesy of Ali, my stand in photographer.


Ali Sheridan said...

wow those are some good pictures! :) haha

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having me in your blog. I had a nice birthday. I had a party at a laser tag place.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for having me in your blog. I had a nice birthday. I had a party at a laser tag place.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for having me in your blog. I had a nice birthday. I had a party at a laser tag place.



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