Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy 16th RJ and Happy adoption day Abigail!

Today is a very important day for our favorite inlaws in Ohio. Today their oldest, RJ, turned a whoppin' 16....sorry no car dude....and their adoption of little Abigail becomes legal today....did I say that right Lori? Anyway, we are so happy for the McCarthy family today and want to send them some big hugs via this blog. This is #4 for this family so Brad and your heart out! XOXOXO


Anonymous said...

It was a GREAT day! The hearing was very nice, just a formality, but a nice day. We had a nice lunch out then gifts, cake, etc. Well, I have a 16 year old and a 6 mos old. Am I crazy or what? At least I'm not as old as Doug. I won't be eligible for social security until AFTER Abigail graduates from high school. Those checks should help with college tuition.

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