Sunday, January 13, 2008

Miracle on Ice!

This morning there was no sleeping in....even for Jack! Ryan had a hockey game at 7:15am which meant that we had to leave our house by 5:45am to be there @ 6:15am. Those of you that don't know me very well, I am NOT a morning person so this was not easy. Anyhoo, there we were headed down the 5 freeway this morning in the dark....Jack and all! A little history about Ryan's team....they have not won a single game. And when I say they have not won, I mean....the score is usually like 1-15 or somewhere in there. It's pretty bad. BUT- last week something happened....they were actually winning against a fairly good team and all of us parents suddenly perked up and were planning drinks after the game and everything....but then we lost 4-2....still better than we are used to. Ok, so this morning with the whole getting up early thing and all I really was worried our kids were going to have a hard time ringing the bell but they totally surprised us all by winning 4-1! As the buzzer ran to end the game, kids threw their gloves in the air, were moonwalking, hugging, and just being silly. Parents were even laughing, crying, hugging, and cracking was pretty amazing considering this team has been a little disfunctional. At the end of the game, it was so worth getting up at 5am! Go Lightning!


Anonymous said...

You hockey parents are too crazy for me...way to go Ryan!

The closest I got to a sport today was the meeting of the travel baseball team moms to plan our fundraiser night in February. It was at a bar, so at least we could have a drink.

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