Saturday, January 12, 2008

~The old ball game~

Today Ryan had baseball tryouts. Now, being the super mom that I am, I carefully read all the instructions on their website about dates, times, blah, blah, blah. Well, that blah, blah, blah was the part that I missed....let me explain. So tryouts were originally supposed to be LAST weekend but because of our big rain storm, the fields were closed. I checked the website and the tryouts were resceduled for THIS Saturday (today). They also have the kids come according to age which makes sense because it would be absolutely chaotic. So, I assume that Ryan would be trying out with the 8's since he's 8 right? Wrong. Somewhere in that "blah,blah,blah" read that the league cutoff is April 15 which simply means, what age your kid is as of April 15, 2008....that would mean Ryan would be with the 9's....duh! So, like the super mom I am, I got Jack all ready, Ryan's equipment in the car, and headed out to the 8's tryouts that were at 11:30am. To make a long story short, 45 minutes into it one of the dads I know says to me that he thinks Ryan is with the 9's and I say I don't think so and then he tells me the whole cutoff bday thing. The kicker was that the tryouts for the 9's were at 1:30...not 11:30 and by the time I found out it wasn't even worth going home, unpacking the car, Jack, and then turning around again. So we were at the fields for a total of 3 hours today. Luckily I had the most well behaved baby and a bottle so it wasn't so bad. This year is going to be quite interesting to watch because Ryan moved up to AA which means they don't use the machine to pitch anymore. Ryan totally takes after my brothers who are very athletic so bball is just another sport that he rocks in! .....not to mention he looks pretty cute in that that weird to say about my own kid? Well, you decide for's some pics from years past.

Giants 2006

Marlins 2007

Update on Doug's mom: Doug's sister went to see her today and said she is VERY tired but seeming to be in good spirits and looking forward to her trip to see us in 2 weeks. I'm a little nervous because my house is not really set up for someone that has trouble getting around but we will make it work. My biggest concern is that I am not sure what to expect. We have not seen her in almost 2 years and I know this is probably going to be the last visit we have with her before she passes. I want it to be a positive thing for the kids and for them not to remember Grandma Berdie in a way that may scare them. Does that make sense? Thank you for all the prayers and keep them coming!


Anonymous said...

Sorry, Doug. He looks like a natural baseball player, forget that hockey stuff. Sean said, "Good luck!" Sean's basketball team won today 24-4. Sean scored 16 of the 24 points himself.


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