Monday, March 10, 2008

Baseball and what's up with this weather?

This weekend was quite interesting. It was officially our first weekend without hockey. Of course Doug was having withdrawls so he HAD to put AJ in a clinic on Sunday...oh and private lessons in San Clemente on Saturday I almost forgot. Ryan's season is officially over now along with AJ's so with that means planning for NEXT season of course....there is no rest for Coach Doug. Anyhoo, Ryan is on the Yankees AA team this year and I have to say I LOVE watching him play! He's having a bit of a hard time this season with getting used to players pitching instead of a machine but I must say that he is the BEST looking player out there. His game this weekend was on Saturday and his team won 17-3. It was actually pretty exciting considering. Adam, Jenn, Kenzie, and Haylee all came to watch as Ryan struck out twice and then got's ok, Uncle Adam is going to take him to the batting cages. So on Sunday it was a day of least for mom. Doug and AJ took off for the hockey clinic, Ali went to church, and Ryan, me, and Jack just hung out.
Ok about the sister in law emails me a picture of her house this weekend in Ohio and it's snowing there! Here it's in the 80's and I actually got a slight sunburn on my arms at Ryan's baseball game. What is up with that? I thought this was supposed to still be winter? Today it was more of the same....sunny and hot. I guess it's supposed to cool down in the next few days...maybe down to 70????Whooooooo!!!!
***For those of you reading this and getting slightly dizzy...sorry about the new template. I love it but I'm working on fixing the background to be solid.


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