Friday, March 7, 2008

Letting it go....

For those of you closest to me, you know that the last 24 hours have been...well....hell. For those of you that do not know, I'm sorry but I'm not going to rehash it. Anyway, I am letting it go. Jack is doing great as usual. I usually don't post new pics everyday but today he had a doctor's appt. and they said that his foot looked so good that he no longer has any restrictions other than direct sun on his foot and bald spot AND the greatest thing is that he can take a bath again and I no longer need to put anything on his foot other than vitamin E. For those of you that have followed this drama you know this is a big deal for me since I've spent almost a month now dressing and redressing his foot everyday. Here are some pics I took tonight of his foot along with some others I couldn't resist....

His scab came off yesterday and there's already hair growing back!

He really wants to walk!

I also have to say something about my kids. I have the greatest kids in the whole world. Sure, there's those moments when I think I'm going to commit myself but overall I have some really great kids. I have a daughter that is my right hand girl and would do just about anything to help me out, I've got my comedian with whom I share some pretty corny jokes that only him and I get half the time, I've got my PookieBear that I can always depend on to snuggle with and who gives the best hugs just when I need them, and then there's Jack....Mr. Happy....having 4 kids can get pretty crazy and alot of days I am worn to the core but it's those few moments throughout the day or even once or twice in the week when I look at each and every one of them and say to myself, "What would I do without you." They each enrich my life so much that I know I am a stronger person, a better mom because of the lessons they have taught me. This past 24 hours has taught me that no matter what anyone says, I am a good mom. I love my kids with all my heart and no one can convince me differently.


Anonymous said... are a wonderful mom, I am in awe of everything you do.

I love you very much,


Stacie said...

His foot looks awesome! And I wish and hope that when our kids are older, that I have the determination to do the things you do on a daily basis! You schedule is insane, and I hope I can keep up when mine gets to be hectic like yours!

Jenn said...

You ar anawesome mom, I know it was all totally mentally exhausting..but you just have to move past it! And personally I think you have plenty of time in or schedule to get Dougie's little procedure reversed and have just 1 more....come on all you do is watch Dr. phil and Oprah anyways right! Isn't that what all stay at home mom's do, I know that's what I do!HaHa Just Kidding
Hey and if you ever do decide to commit yourself to the looney bin, let me know I might just join you!

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