Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day and Happy Bday RyRy!

Ryan 3/17/99 Today is Ryan (aka Pookie Bear's) 9th birthday! I cannot believe that it's been 9 years since Ryan was case some of you don't know the story, here goes. I was originally due on April 6th (my birthday) but woke up feeling rather icky that Wednesday, the 17th. Doug had just left to take the twins to get haircuts and I made a phone call to my OB and asked him what I should do. He suggested that I go to Mission Hospital and be monitored to see if I was, in fact, in labor. I was so uncomfortable and so over being pregnant that I hadn't really showered in about 2 days nor was I even comfortable enough to put on a bra that day so if you can imagine me driving myself to the hospital, braless, showerless...I probably looked like a homeless woman.....walking into labor and delivery with no husband, no bra (did I mention that already). Anyway, they hooked me up and discovered that I was, in fact, in labor and so I called Doug to drop off the kids at Charlotte's. Soon after, my OB broke my water and the fun started. I had contractions after contractions with no rest. Finally Doug arrived but was no help since I had been given something for pain that made me see about 10 of everything in the room. Then the epideral came......sent from heaven....why anyone in their right mind would not use this wonderful drug I do not know. From then on it was smooth sailing. 4 hours after arriving at the hospital, Ryan Douglas Sheridan was born weighing in at 8 pounds 3 ounces.....3 weeks early! Ryan, or Bulldog as he is now called, is a great kid! From day one this kid has been a lover! He always has hugs for me, tells me how beautiful I am and is never afraid to tell me how much he loves me even if his friends are around. Now what girl wouldn't fall in love with that? Today Ryan had school but before he left I asked him what he wanted to do today and he said he wanted to go out to lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. So Doug and I (and Jack) picked him up and took him out to lunch. Then tonight we all took him out as a family to dinner. He wanted to go to TGI Fridays to see Aunt Jenn at work so we went there. Excuse the camera had low battery when we got there so I used my cell phone for this one of Ry and I.
Also, some quick pics from this weekend. Ryan's baseball team did awesome! They tied there game and Ryan actually got on base!
And while big brother was looking good in the field, Jack was working on his new trick....saying "cheese"! What a ham!


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