Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's not easy being a leprachaun....

Before I had Ryan I really didn't know when St. Patrick's Day was. I knew it was sometime around spring break....maybe in March....but just never knew the exact date....until 9 years ago. One of the things the nurse asked me in the delivery room was, "Are you going to name him Patrick?" Being a child of the 80's, some of you may understand when I tell you that I was a avid SNL watcher and the thought of my child being called "Pat" because his name was Patrick, didn't do it for me. This was also before Spongebob so I'm sure he would have got a lot of jokes about that as well in the years to follow. Now, we have some great friends with these names...men and women....so don't take this personally. Anyhoo, so since we now have a self proclaimed leprechaun in our home, it's forced me to be somewhat creative in my bday preparations. Here's a picture from Ryan's kindergarten class party...For those of you that can't tell, that's green cupcakes, green jello jigglers, green kool aid, and a few gold coins.

And it's not just me....Ryan really gets into it.
Last year we actually bought him a leprechaun outfit and he wore it to school....beard and all. Unfortunately I don't have a picture to insert here because I didn't take one....probably has something to do with me being pregnant.....So, this year was a little more"grown up" being in 3rd grade and all. So here's what we ended up THIS year. Each bag had a few gold coins, green candy, and a green necklace. Last but certainly not least, I wanted to say "Happy Birthday!" to Zuzi, our exchange student that lived with us last year from the Czech Republic. Hope your day was filled with fun and lots of love! XOXOXOXO


Anonymous said...

He may not have been named Patrick, but Ryan is also a fine Irish name (says Aunt Lori McCARTHY). I actually do have some Irish and English on my dad's side (sorry you missed out, Doug) plus I got the great name by marriage. (And the red hair showed up at about the same time:)

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