Wednesday, April 30, 2008


You all missed the best game in little league history tonight! Ryan's team played the Giants and they played awesome! I swear it was like the movie Angels in the Outfield! Ryan's coach doesn't pick a player of the game but if he had to tonight, it would have been impossible because EVERY player rocked! Ok, now about MY kid.....he struck out his first up but then made up for it with an awesome double and hit a flyball out to 3rd , getting out by his buddy, Joe. He also had so many plays out in the field that were amazing but the one where he was playing short stop and picked up a fast ground ball and threw it to first getting the out was by far the BEST play of the game....I'm not biased I swear! Anyway, I could go on and on because like I said, it was the most amazing game I have ever seen Ryan and his team play. The Giants are a great team so it may it an even better game knowing that it wouldn't be easy. End result? 10-3!!!!
**On a sidenote, Ryan has been using my brother, Adam's mit that is over 20 years old. He has his own mit that Mark bought him last year but insists that Adam's mit is his "lucky mit". Yes it is!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Any day now.....

Jack is going to start walking! He is sooo close! Unfortunately those chunky thighs just make it a little harder. Here he is making an attempt to walk while playing the talented. I also wanted to post this great picture that I took the other day of Ryan and his coach. He is doing sooooo much better now that coach has let him hit lefty....we told you so :-).

Last but not least, I started a new job yesterday. It's not much but it's something. I represent a CPA in Minneapolis making calls for them....yes, technically I am a telemarketer. So far, so good. I was really nervous about getting hung up on yesterday but was amazed at the response I got.....yes, I did get some hang ups but 33% of the people I talked to said "YES"!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

~Magic is for Magicians~

Ok, quick update....Ryan lost his game on Saturday but had a great play at first, Aidan's been here all weekend and the boys have been getting along great, it's so freaking hot outside that I think I could scramble eggs on the sidewalk.....oh, and Ali made her high school cheer team!!!!!!! What a day it was yesterday! Quick rewind.....there was a cheer clinic Monday through Thursday leading up to Saturday tryouts and Ali was sick on Monday so didn't make the clinic, Tuesday she managed to get out of bed despite feeling lousy and went to school for half the day and then did the clinic and then went to the gym to practice her tumbling, Wednesday Doug took her to the doctor and we found out she has bronchitis BUT she went to school half day and then did the clinic. Thursday she was so sick, she couldn't get out of bed and she was running a temp so no school, no clinic. Friday it was a medical miracle and she seemed way better but I kept her home from school anyway just to get her strength back. So Friday night she spent a good couple hours at another cheerleader's house learning the dance they needed to know and practicing the cheer as well. I personally was terrified that this wasn't going to be a good outcome because she had been so sick all week. So, Saturday rolls around and she is fired up! She practices the dance throughout the morning in front of Jack and Aidan and looked amazingly good. I dropped her off at her school at 1:30 and didn't go back until 6pm. They finally posted the results at 7pm and to our excitement, she made the JV team! It was so awesome to see the excitement and relief in her face because I think she even was a little more nervous knowing that most of the other girls had not been sick like her all week. A couple of Ali's other friends made varsity like Brittan in the picture with her. We are so excited that she is finally going to be a part of her high school like this and that we can come and watch her cheer on the cougars all next year ...not to mention the little perk of finally being able to say goodbye to her previous team, Magic Allstars!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Busy Weekend!

As always we are about to enter into a very busy weekend! Tomorrow Ali has the much anticipated Capo Valley High School cheer tryouts.....she's had bronchitis all week so it's been a tough week for her. Ryan has a baseball game mid afternoon and it's supposed to be about 100 degrees so sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen! Sunday Ryan has baseball and hockey and AJ has a hockey game....don't forget Doug plays as well in the evening. All that while I am also watching Aidan for Melissa and Jason during both days....should be fun to see if I can juggle all that. Last but not least, tonight I looked at Jack and just couldn't stand his hair anymore. It grows so fast and I just haven't taken him in for a haircut so I happen to have Adam's clippers because I gave Ryan a buzz cut the other guess what Jack got? Yep, Uncle Mark would be proud! I will post pictures of the boys matching haircuts later this weekend.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Baseball, Hockey,Cheer and Cookies...oh my!!

This weekend as usual was a full weekend. Friday night Doug and I managed to sneak out and go out to dinner which we haven't done in a long time so that was nice! Saturday started out early with Ryan having to be at the bball fields by at 9....unfortunately they lost to a team that we didn't want to lose to because they have a jerk of a coach but oh well. Ryan is back to batting lefty which is so much better and he's making contact now....go figure! Ali had a 2 day cheer competition in Anaheim and they did really well and took 4th! Today was again jam packed....housekeeper here( thank goodness!) Ryan had a hockey clinic early which was immediately followed by bball practice and then a pizza party. After the party I watched Kenzie and Haylee for a bit while Adam and Jenn went to a baby shower which was put on at a bar of all places....nice! As a ploy to get Kenzie to focus on something else other than Mom leaving, I told her we would make cookies and she was so excited! Being 3 I knew her attention span wouldn't last so no time to whip up cookie I pulled the pre-made dough out, we rolled it, and made some pretty funky looking hearts and stick figure people which really ended up looking like fat teddy bears or aliens. It was so much fun seeing her little face so excited about something so little! I love that kid!

So, Ali's tryouts for Capo cheer (her high school) are all week and she came home tonight from her competition saying she felt sick...great! Anyone up for throwing some prayers her way would be greatly appreciated! No Magic Cheer anymore....I am so over her coach at that place! For someone that claims to base his whole business on christian values, he has a funny way of showing it. Again, I was in the front row, on the floor, cheering those girls on and he was outside on his PDA....whatever! Ok, enough said about that. Let's hope for a medical miracle with Ali! FYI in case you are wondering why I haven't mentioned AJ...well, AJ's been a little hung up lately because last weekend him and his buddies decided to take Adam's pocket bike and do some stunts. AJ's friend, Tyler, pulled AJ behind the bike on his skateboard with a jump rope doing about 40mph until AJ let go, lost control and totally ate it. I don't think there is one limb that's not scratched up and he looks like he got in some car accident. Needless to say he will be fine....thank God he was wearing a helmet and for those of you that would like to see it in action.....the goofballs actually video taped it and put it on you tube....I will put a link on here tomorrow when I ask AJ what it is....pretty funny.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Nothing to report

Sorry everyone but I've been in a blogging funk. Yes, things are going on but I haven't been taking many pics this week and quite frankly, I am not motivated to blog about anything in particular....let's see.... this week the kids had spring break and they did a lot which meant I put on alot of miles on my car driving them EVERYWHERE. Ali will tell you she didn't do anything really even though she went to Disneyland, hung out with friends, went to Balboa too see her cousin, went shopping, and lots of other things. AJ went to Disneyland twice with some friends along with hanging out and I'm sure soaring to new levels in Call of Duty. Ryan also hung out alot with friends and played hockey. The weather was a little of a bummer because most of the week it was pretty cool which meant no tan for Ali....of course NOW if you have seen the news it's in the 90's and even hit 100 yesterday! As for me, I am finding new motivation in knowing that we only have 10 more weeks until summer (according to Ali's calculations). I HAVE to lose this baby weight! Micah and I are keeping each other somewhat motivated by the fact that we are celebrating our 20 years as friends this summer with a spa weekend in Palm Springs. My biggest struggle is getting to the gym. I am exhausted most days with just the running around and such so the last thing I want to do is go get sweatty. Anyway, I will keep posting on my progress with that.....I thought about posting my weight just to REALLY get me motivated but I'm not that brave....yet.....stay tuned. My saving grace?....skinny cow!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

HaPpY BIrThDaY to Me!

Is that proper blogging etiquette? Anyway, it's my 34th bday and I feel very old! I remember watching "Friends" when I was in my 20's and thinking that they were so old to be in their 30's! Well, here I am well into them and the highlight of my day is that I got to sleep in until 9am and I am going to go to Home Depot with my husband and get flowers to plant. My kids are also kissing my butt a little so it's all good. :-)

Me with my Dad.....nice shirt huh? And wasn't my mom HOT!!!! You go girl!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Jack!

Jack this morning after getting his bday present!

I cannot believe it's been one year since I met Jack! Where has the time gone! Today we had a small party for him. Adam, Jenn and the girls came over along with Heather & Dan, Mark & his daughter, Melissa, Jason, and Aidan,(this is Aidan pushing Jack on his new bus/ride along....too cute!) and us of course. The weather didn't cooperate like I wanted it to so it wasn't really swim weather but it wasn't raining so that was good. Adam and Doug bbq'd hot dog and hamburgers and then came the cake. Jack wasn't too into it and refused to wear the cute hat I had bought. This picture pretty much sums up his mood for the day........I think it was a little much for him?? All in all it was a great day and Jack had way too much fun playing with all his new toys. Thanks to everyone for the great gifts and to those of you that couldn't be with us, we missed you!

Friday, April 4, 2008

One Year Ago Today....

I was a brunette. Ok, so that's not THAT big of a deal. I also went in for an amnio to see whether or not little Jack was ready to be born. Ryan wasn't a BIG brother yet and I was WAY over being pregnant! Tomorrow is Jack's 1st birthday and we are having a small party with some friends and family. It should be a lot of fun since the weather is going to be good so I'm getting the pool all ready today.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

And this is what the Sheridans did this weekend.....

Ok, so Friday was Crazy Hair Day @ Ryan's school. This is one of those few moments when I will say girls are way more fun because there's so many cool things you can do with a girls hair than with a boys. Here's Ali back in 2003...and here's Ryan this past Friday.You can't tell because of the lighting but his hair was orange, blue, and green. Saturday Ryan had a baseball game and unfortunately they lost to Ryan's best friend Max's team. Ali had a cheer competition both Saturday and Sunday in LA and they ended up in last place due to some coaching errors (the coach didn't check to make sure their pyramid was legal and it wasn't). Only one more cheer competition and then her season is over. My mom left on Saturday after spending 10 days with us which was great although we didn't do as many things as we said we were going to do...aka walking everyday....oh well. Anyhoo, only 4 more days until my baby is ONE! I cannot believe where the time has gone! Due to lack of funds, we are going low key this year and just having family and a few friends with babies over for pizza and cake/ice cream....nothing major since Jack won't even know what's going on. I went ahead and turned his car seat around which was AWESOME and I officially am on my last container of formula...sniff,sniff. Actually, I know for some moms this is a very sad time to see their baby turn one but for me it's always been fun to transition into something else. Right now I am soooo looking forward to seeing Jack take his first steps, not spending $30 a week on formula, being able to see my sweet baby while I am driving, and listening to him try to sound out his first words which right now seem to be "AJ" and "Mama"....glad to be in their somewhere. For those of you that are wondering if I would ever blog about his foot again...his foot is doing great! He now just has to have vitamin E on it several time a day but no wrap...just socks if we are in the sun, and tomorrow he gets his pressure sock that he will wear I think for a while to help with swelling and healing of the scar tissue. Also, our little "run-in" with social services was officially reported "unfounded" so I am greatful for that. There is nothing worse than having someone question you as a mother when you put your heart and soul into what you do. Thanks to everyone the had encouraging emails, prayers, and is times like this that I am reminded of what great family and friends I have!
***Almost forgot! As some of you may or may not know, Ali is Freshman President at her high school and this last week she ran for Soph. Prez. Unfortunately she didn't win and we are all very disappointed but Ali seems to be taking it well which I think is very mature of her. As I read back on this blog, I realize that this is a very depressing blog so I apologize.....on a good note, we had a family dinner last night and actually used our dining room table! It was so great to sit down and spend some time as a family and catch up.....I called it "project save our family".

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