Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Our new American Idol!

Ok, so I am totally lame! I had no idea that they tape the show earlier in the day....I guess I never thought about it before but it makes sense to me now. So, during a commercial around 9pm, I go upstairs to put Jack to bed and decide to check my email. I go on MSN and they are talking about the "next American Idol" so I click on it and low and behold, they tell you who won! I have to say that I am ecstatic but suprised because I really thought it would go the other way with the popular vote. So, I am hoping that none of you are reading this until after AI is over but here is my boyfriend and our American Idol....................

I just thought about David being my "boyfriend" I am not only cheating on my husband but that also makes me one of those creepy old ladies that dates way younger guys......eeeeewwwwwwww....nevermind.


Stacie said...

HAHAHA! You are so creepy old cougar! Anyway, yeah I was glad to see that David C. won the vote last night too! He rocks.

Anonymous said...

OK, considering I'm old enough to be his mother, I won't even comment.


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