Saturday, May 24, 2008

Stay tuned, I may go postal on Tuesday

Awesome day today. I thought I was going to be able to sleep in but silly me, Jack had other plans. So we were up early, I still made yummy pancakes and eggs that no one got to enjoy because I made the pancakes and then realized that we had no maple syrup...Jack loved them though. Today was Aidan's 1st bday party and I will post pics later because I am too lazy to go get my camera out of my car. Doug made an amazing dinner despite being at hockey ALL day long and I know being exhausted and Ryan and Ali both have friends over spending the night. So, like I said, everything was going great...good morning, good party....until I got the mail.....damn that mail! It was a lovely letter from Pacificare telling me that they were not paying for Jack's stay at the burn center which means that we owe the burn center $19K. Now before you go and have a heart attack like I did.....I am definately going to dispute this first thing Tuesday morning so I THINK everything will be fine but I swear, this ONE incident seems to just drag on and on. It makes me realize just how much one single act can change your life.....and yes, I flat ironed my hair today. :-)


Anonymous said...

Gotta LOVE insurance companies...

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