Thursday, August 21, 2008

It was like Christmas Day

You know what I'm talking about....the whole Christmas build up and then the let down right after all the presents are opened up and you realize it's over until next year? Well, today was kinda like that. This morning we had to get up early and head to the kids' high school to get them registered which took about 2 hours. And then I dropped my car off for some repairs, got a rental and headed home. Put Jack down for a nap and then headed out again (my mom is here so no, I didn't leave Jack at home alone). We had to drive out to where the driver's ed place is to get some paperwork for Ali and then drive over to Doug's office to get some signatures for some over to Charlotte's for the same....and then head to the..........DMV! I have not been to the DMV in years so I think I had blocked out what a total nightmare it can be. Because of the "Governator's" budget cuts, I guess they don't make appointments anymore so we had to wait.....and wait. Finally about 45 minutes later we were called and the twins got all their paperwork in and were able to go take their permit test. So, more waiting. The build up was horrible. I sat and waited patiently but felt like I was going to barf at any moment I was so nervous for them. It took them about 25 minutes to finish and then another 20 for the lady to grade their tests. 40 questions and you could only miss 8. AJ and Ali BOTH missed 11! Talk about weird huh? Anyway, that's were the buzz kill came in and Christmas was over. Since I had the rental car I had already figured out that I wasn't going to have to hear them fight over who was going to drive because they couldn't drive the rental anyways but now I didn't even have to say that. Oh well, they can take the test again next week and I am sure they will pass this time. Most of the questions they missed were stupid mistakes or things they hadn't gone over. I thought it was hilarious....when we were waiting I was quizzing them on different stuff and one of the pages in the book I was looking at was talking about fines and that if you dump an animal on the side of the road it's a $1000 fine. So I asked them if they knew that and Ali rolled her eyes and was like "yeah, like that's going to be on the test!" Well, guess what was on her test? And luckily she knew the answer. How ironic huh? Anyway, not looking forward to another adventure at the DMV but maybe next time I'll bring a book or something. By the way, I had my camera with me just in case so I could get that great shot of them both holding up their permits in front of the DMV. After they got the results, I asked if I could still get a picture for my post and they both ignored me. What?


Anonymous said...

I still remember the drivers' test question: How can you recognize a blind person in a cross walk...A) He has a white cane with a red tip, B) He is wearing white shoes and socks, C) He is wearing sunglasses


PS, Although I passed the learner's permit written test, I did fail the driver's test on the first try. I was DEVISTATED. I cried the whole way home. It really doesn't matter 29 years later.

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