Sunday, August 17, 2008

Therapy in a can AND something for Heather :-)

I love to paint. I grew up in an old house and with a mom who didn't particularly care if I painted my own was theraputic to me. I took one art class in high school and spent most of the time goofing around and barely making a passing grade...but when the time arises that I need to paint something, I am there. A couple of weeks ago my mom bought Jack a table and two chairs from IKEA that needed to be painted or at least stained. I've spent those past weeks debating on what color or what stain. Here is the before picture which isn't such a good picture since I remembered at the lst minute to take a picture... At first I thought I'd go a dark chocolate stain to match the kitchen....then I consulted a few of my experts (my sister in law and Micah) and here's what I ended up with after this weekend. Not too sure about Jack's letters on the back there and how long those will actually stay there and not be messed with but oh well.
And as a bonus, the top is actually chalkboard paint that I had. In a few days he can use chalk on it!

On a totally different note, I wanted to post a picture of Jack in his new favorite chair. This was a gift from our good friend Heather at my baby shower. I have to be honest, this chair was not one of my favorite originally because, although it's very cute, it has also took up alot of space and just always seemed to be in the way and I could never get Jack to sit in it. About a month ago I noticed Jack going to this chair everytime he was getting a bottle and he would just lay there waiting for it patiently. So now, finally, this Octopus is getting some use and is Jack's "baba" chair. Thank you Auntie Heather!


Jenn said...

The table looks awesome...I might have to copy!

Anonymous said...

Love the table. The octopus chair is so cute. Abigail doesn't sit anywhere patiently right now.


htan said...

awww i love it! .. the table looks so cute too! you whiteys are so damn creative!

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