Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School minus the teenagers

Today was everyone's first day back at school and can I just say "thankyou Jesus!" Ok, so I totally brain farted this year and forgot to take the traditional picture of all the kids in front of the house. It didn't help that we had to leave this year super early because they weren't giving out the sophmore schedules until today and that Ali didn't disappoint with being a little dramatic which threw me way off. I left the house at 7am with the high schoolers (mine plus 2 carpoolers) and then rushed back home to pick up Ryan to take him up to school by 8am. It wasn't too bad at AJ and Ali's school but Ryan's was chaotic as usual with all the parents wanting to take a bazillion pics (me included) and then wanting to follow the kids into the classroom to say goodbye a hundred times. I didn't go that far because Ryan kept giving me the "eye" like that might a little too embarrassing so I just headed over to McKenzie's class to see what she was up to....yes, little Kenzie is in preschool now and THAT makes me feel older than I think the fact that I have a 4th grader and two high schoolers! Adam and Jenn held it together pretty good for first timers. Adam kept wanting to go check and make sure she was ok and Jenn and I kept telling him to stop....I think he was having a harder time that anyone. So, am I sad? Hell no! I came home with Jack and put him down for an early nap since he was up for some reason twice in the night and here I am catching up on things with our fixed computer (thanks Dan) and an appointment for a nap here after I blog.

Also, I wanted to throw in a picture of Ryan and hise bestfriend, Max. The other night when Max slept over, they wanted to go tp someone's house so I said maybe they should tp Uncle Adam and Aunt Jenn's house. As you can tell by the picture, they took it very serious and got all ninja'd up, backpacks full of tp, flashlights, and all. What they didn't know is that I tried putting in several calls to Adam before we went to warn him and maybe give him a chance to hide in a bush with the hose or something and scare them but Adam didn't answer so he had a mess to clean up the next day.


Anonymous said...

Love the nap idea!! Hope you got it in.

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