Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I now know why you should never leave a baby alone. This is what I found after leaving Jack in his room to play for only 5 minutes. Is someone coming?
Oh shoot! I think she sees me!

Mom's not mad so I guess it's funny!

And who says Jack in the Box isn't yummy?

Monday, January 28, 2008

Jack's 1st Haircut

Ok, so I needed a little escape and Jack's first haircut became it! I wasn't really thinking he needed a haircut yet until I got my 2nd comment about how cute my son's mullet was this week at the grocery store. Don't you mean "mohawk"? I thought the first guy was confused until we got the same comment again a few days later so I decided it was time for a little clean up. As the pictures show he started off good.....

Then slowly......
he figured out what was going on and didn't like it!
And as soon as it was over, he was back to his happy old self!

No more mullet for Jack!

Grandma, Spinning, and 3rd place!

What a busy last 4 days it's been since my last blog. As I said before, Doug's mom arrived late Thursday night and it's definately been a change for us as a family. The first night she was with us she wandered around the house all night ending up in Ali's room at one point and in our room as well scaring the heck out of Doug since I know that is every guys nightmare.....waking up to his mother in his room. :-) Doug's mom is heavily medicated so I think that and the combination of not being in her own home is why we had that problem the first night because she hasn't wandered since. The biggest problem NOW is that she stays up really late (like 3am) watching tv while the rest of us are sleeping and then sleeps in until like 1pm. By the time she gets up, I'm ready for a nap because I've been up since 6am. Anyhoo, needless to say, I am waring thin. Also today I made a HUGE accomplishment. For weeks now I've been saying that I am going to get back to the gym and this morning I finally did it. My sister in law and I took a spinning class that literally kicked my butt! I haven't been to the gym in like 2 years so I wasn't sure if I'd make it but I did! Snaps for me! I'll let you know how my legs are feeling tomorrow. And can I just say, whoever invented those seats is an idiot!
Last but not least, Ali had a cheer competition yesterday and did great! Her team placed 3rd out of 6 teams and her coach won coach of the year! It was really exciting! Yeah Ali!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

American Idol

Ok, so our family is totally obsessed with American Idol. I would say we have religiously watched for the past 3 seasons. Before that, I probably couldn't have told you when it was on but if it WAS, I'd I didn't see all the episodes. Last season the kids were really torn between Blake and Jordin because we loved them both. I am so excited that this season has started! The auditions are hilarious! What's with that "eagle" guy Tuesday night and is he "Boy Shakira" from American's Got Talent??? Anyhoo, it's so fun to have a show that our family all center around. Last night we made sure Jack was in bed, we were all in our jammies, and the house was all locked up so we could just watch our show. If someone had to go to the bathroom, we paused it. And what is up with that True or False game? I'm not so sure that is worth watching simply because I don't see any good coming out of it. Like someone said last it really worth winning the money over when you hear horrible things that could send you into divorce? I guess you would split the money though. Not sure on that show unless you like watching train wrecks.
**Quick plug: if you watched the Today Show this morning you will know what I am talking about but they had a segment on "going green" and were talking about a website that will help you get rid of all those catalogs you get in the mail. I just went through mine this morning and cancelled 10! Check it

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What a weekend!

This was a very busy weekend! So busy that I am just NOW blogging about it. My mom was here for the long MLK weekend and on Saturday she took my brothers and their families to Disneyland. My clan didn't go because we had too many things going on. AJ had practice, Ali had cheer practice, and Ryan had football. It was exhausting but not as exhausting as Sunday. On Sunday, Ali and I got up at 5:30am, grabbed Jack and Gammie and headed to San Diego for her cheer competition. It took us about an hour to get down there and as I made my way into the Cox Arena at SDSU, I was informed that strollers weren't allowed. What? Thank goodness my mom was with me because I then had to carry Jack (all 25 pounds) and my mom carried the diaper bag which was packed. We basically planted ourselves in one spot to watch all the Magic teams. Ali's team did well....not as well as they could have but oh some, lose some right? On Monday we slept in and went to the park with Jenn and the girls which was really fun! And now here I am preparing for Doug's mom to visit. I am a little stressed because of the unknown but trying to stay positive! Here are some great pics I got of Ali and Jack as well as Jack at the park.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Jack is teething. Which means that he is putting absolutely EVERYTHING in his mouth. He's currently working on his 7th and 8th teeth....bottom ones on either side of his front bottoms.

I think he also would like to put my camera in his mouth :-)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy 16th RJ and Happy adoption day Abigail!

Today is a very important day for our favorite inlaws in Ohio. Today their oldest, RJ, turned a whoppin' 16....sorry no car dude....and their adoption of little Abigail becomes legal today....did I say that right Lori? Anyway, we are so happy for the McCarthy family today and want to send them some big hugs via this blog. This is #4 for this family so Brad and your heart out! XOXOXO

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Miracle on Ice!

This morning there was no sleeping in....even for Jack! Ryan had a hockey game at 7:15am which meant that we had to leave our house by 5:45am to be there @ 6:15am. Those of you that don't know me very well, I am NOT a morning person so this was not easy. Anyhoo, there we were headed down the 5 freeway this morning in the dark....Jack and all! A little history about Ryan's team....they have not won a single game. And when I say they have not won, I mean....the score is usually like 1-15 or somewhere in there. It's pretty bad. BUT- last week something happened....they were actually winning against a fairly good team and all of us parents suddenly perked up and were planning drinks after the game and everything....but then we lost 4-2....still better than we are used to. Ok, so this morning with the whole getting up early thing and all I really was worried our kids were going to have a hard time ringing the bell but they totally surprised us all by winning 4-1! As the buzzer ran to end the game, kids threw their gloves in the air, were moonwalking, hugging, and just being silly. Parents were even laughing, crying, hugging, and cracking was pretty amazing considering this team has been a little disfunctional. At the end of the game, it was so worth getting up at 5am! Go Lightning!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

~The old ball game~

Today Ryan had baseball tryouts. Now, being the super mom that I am, I carefully read all the instructions on their website about dates, times, blah, blah, blah. Well, that blah, blah, blah was the part that I missed....let me explain. So tryouts were originally supposed to be LAST weekend but because of our big rain storm, the fields were closed. I checked the website and the tryouts were resceduled for THIS Saturday (today). They also have the kids come according to age which makes sense because it would be absolutely chaotic. So, I assume that Ryan would be trying out with the 8's since he's 8 right? Wrong. Somewhere in that "blah,blah,blah" read that the league cutoff is April 15 which simply means, what age your kid is as of April 15, 2008....that would mean Ryan would be with the 9's....duh! So, like the super mom I am, I got Jack all ready, Ryan's equipment in the car, and headed out to the 8's tryouts that were at 11:30am. To make a long story short, 45 minutes into it one of the dads I know says to me that he thinks Ryan is with the 9's and I say I don't think so and then he tells me the whole cutoff bday thing. The kicker was that the tryouts for the 9's were at 1:30...not 11:30 and by the time I found out it wasn't even worth going home, unpacking the car, Jack, and then turning around again. So we were at the fields for a total of 3 hours today. Luckily I had the most well behaved baby and a bottle so it wasn't so bad. This year is going to be quite interesting to watch because Ryan moved up to AA which means they don't use the machine to pitch anymore. Ryan totally takes after my brothers who are very athletic so bball is just another sport that he rocks in! .....not to mention he looks pretty cute in that that weird to say about my own kid? Well, you decide for's some pics from years past.

Giants 2006

Marlins 2007

Update on Doug's mom: Doug's sister went to see her today and said she is VERY tired but seeming to be in good spirits and looking forward to her trip to see us in 2 weeks. I'm a little nervous because my house is not really set up for someone that has trouble getting around but we will make it work. My biggest concern is that I am not sure what to expect. We have not seen her in almost 2 years and I know this is probably going to be the last visit we have with her before she passes. I want it to be a positive thing for the kids and for them not to remember Grandma Berdie in a way that may scare them. Does that make sense? Thank you for all the prayers and keep them coming!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Prayers needed!

For those of you that do not know, Doug's mom has been battling lung cancer for many years now and things are not looking so good. We got a phone call tonight that Berdie has stopped eating and her doctor has decided to stop chemotherapy. She is also very down and as Doug put it "she's just tired of being tired". Anyhoo, please keep her in your prayers as well as Doug and his sister Lori. Most likely Doug and I will fly out sometime next week for Ohio with Jack and leave the other kids here with friends so that we can be with his mom and let her meet her new grandson before she passes. Time like these are never easy so your prayers will be felt. Thank you!

Doug and his mom -April 2006

Day 3....awwww the weekend!

Okay, so remember my post yesterday about missing Oregon....well, maybe I don't miss it all that much. While I was lounging out by my pool yesterday, I was talking to my mom while she was trying to drive through the rain and hail while listening to the news about a tornado that had touched down near her house. I was listening to her radio while she was driving and was hearing them tell people to get in their basements or if they didn't have a basement to get in the lowest part of their house. All of this while I was listening to birds chirping and the waterfall going with the sun beating down on my face poolside. Granted tornados in WA are rare...I don't remember ever hearing of one while I was growing up....I guess I would much rather weather the few earthquakes we have than deal with tornados and golf ball size hail.
So my day today is the easiest of all the days while Doug is gone. I have to hit the grocery store, go to Sears to get a replacement filter for the fridge, take Ryan to get cleats for bball tryouts tomorrow, and do some shopping at the mall. It's an absolute beautiful day today....weatherman says the high should be in the 70's so I'm good with that. I talked to Doug late last night and unfortunately our team lost by a goal yesterday and Doug said the boys weren't playing their best....obviously. He had one of his "kicking over the water bottles and storming out of the locker room" moments between periods with the boys so I'm guessing some kids didn't give it their all....hopefully today will be better.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Darn that auto focus!

Day 2...piece of cake!

Okay, so my day yesterday was a little hectic but it was partly my own fault. I shouldn't have scheduled to have new tires put on my car on a day when Doug wasn't home....I also shouldn't have scheduled a dentist appt. but oh well. Amazingly I got so much accomplished yesterday and everything ran very smoothly with the exception of Ryan's ride to hockey being a no show and then showing up 45 minutes late and Ali being late to cheer because of it.....all went well. Today my day is not so eventful. I scheduled a chiropractic appt for the kids, Ryan has hockey (not using the same people for his ride), and Ali has cheer. My biggest goal today will be to get a shower in which I should be able to do right after this blog. I talked to Doug and it's not as cold as he thought it would be in Michigan so AJ didn't need that long underwear afterall. They are having their first game as we speak and hopefully I will have some good news to blog about tomorrow. Weather here is totally bizarre....well, maybe not so bizarre but isn't it winter? The weather man is saying it may hit 80 degrees this weekend.......I miss Oregon!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Day 1 of on my own

Today is the first day of my 5 day stretch without my husband around. There are negatives and positives to this situation and this morning it was obvious I cannot do it all by myself. So, my morning schedule was as follows....6:45am, get up and get Ryan moving....breakfast, check homework, make his lunch, blah, blah, blah. Take him to his friend's house to walk to school, come back home pick up Ali and Jack, have Ali feed Jack in the car while driving her to school. 7:45am: coming home from dropping Ali off, listening to poor Jack burping himself in the back seat. Pull up to house, pick up Jake (our dog), take Jake to the groomers, go to the bank, make deposit, drive to tire place, wait for way too long to drop off my car while holding a 25 pound baby, a carseat, and a diaper bag. 8:30am: spend 20 minutes trying to figure out how to get my carseat into someone else's car that I'm borrowing while my car gets new tires.....9:00: call the dentist and cancel appointment that I was crazy to schedule for myself today, 9:15am: back home, throw Jack in his high chair with some cheerios, turn on Sesame Street, and head out to the side of the house to clean up the dog poo and hose it all down while Jake is gone. 9:30: vacuum whole downstairs while Jack is starting to squirm, 9:45: Put Jack down for morning nap.
And here I am. Now that may not have sounded like much but usually Doug and Jack have their little morning time and I don't have to do all that while dealing with a baby. So, I was really missing my husband this morning. Thank goodness Ali is such a big help because I think I would have thrown in the towel! I have a new respect for single moms!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The history of AJ

So after posting that lovely picture of AJ, I went to our storage unit and sifted through memorabelia until I found the infamous blanky. And AJ was such a good sport, he let me take an updated picture of him with his blanky. No, the blanky hasn't shrunk...I think our little "buddy" has gotten bigger. I bet his hockey team would love this!

Monday, January 7, 2008

All is well at the well-check!

Today Jack had his 9 month well check and everything went well despite having to get one shot which I hated having to watch. He weighed in at 24 1/2 pounds.....the other day was with clothes on...and he's 28.5" long. So 93% for weight and 50% for height. His doctor says he's looking pretty good and right on track for where he should be. The only thing that concerned me was that I've been getting a lot of comments like he should be crawling already and I talked to the doctor and he says it's fine....he will get there. Thankfully, whatever little episode he was having with the not sleeping through the night nonsense has ended and I'm finally getting some much needed sleep.

On a totally seperate note, Doug and AJ are leaving tomorrow for Michigan and will be gone through Sunday. AJ's team was invited to play in a tournament there but it's just too much to pack up all the kids....not to mention the expense. Oh, almost forgot, most of the pictures that are taken you can't see them but I forgot to mention that Jack has 6 teeth already and is currently cutting his 7th....thank goodness I'm not nursing anymore!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

9 months!

Today Jack is 9 months! Where has the time gone? So I wasn't sure if we were going to have a big "milestone" event for this month but my little guy didn't let me down! About 4 days ago he started clapping his hands on his own! Ya Jack! A not-so-great part of this past month is that Jack has suddenly decided that he is no longer sleeping through the night which has been exhausting! I took him to his doctor and after weighing in at 24.7 pounds, we discovered that he had a sinus infection so now he is on antibiotics and hopefully he will get back into his routine once the kids are back in school on Monday. With clapping out of the way, which is very helpful at all those hockey games, we are working on waving. It's so amazing to watch what little things are so BIG when you are a baby. Jack is now eating a breakfast, lunch, and dinner aside from having bottles throughout the day. His fav seems to be pureed mac-n-cheese which means he's a true Sheridan/Rummel. Anyhoo, here are some recent shots my mom took of him the other night while Doug and I were out to dinner. It's really sad just how miserable he is....enjoy!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy 14th Birthday Chris and Ryan plays the pond

First off let me say Happy Birthday to my nephew, Chris! Hope you had a great day bud! Here in CA, we were anticipating the big "storm" that we've been hearing all about on the news which JUST arrived about 2 hours ago. Thankfully it didn't start raining until we were home from Ryan's big debut at the pond...aka Honda Center in Anaheim. For those of us big Ducks fans, it will always be "the pond". Ryan's team had an opportunity to play a scrimmage game a few hours before the Ducks played and it was so much fun to see all those little guys out there. He did awesome as usual despite Doug not being on the bench to coach because he had a funeral to go to. Instead uncle Adam stood in and did a great job. Afterwards the boys all stayed and watch the Ducks play while the girls went home. I woke up with a migraine this morning so staying for a hockey game was the last thing I wanted to do. Here are some great pictures courtesy of Ali, my stand in photographer.

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